Thursday, May 19, 2011


My wife claims to have grown up in the dark. Her family had power and light bulbs however her father liked dim to no light. Just the glow of the TV was enough for him.

Present wife has not met a light switch she hasn't turned on. On top of this the boys REALLY enjoy TV. So much so that they attempt to have every TV in the house turned on at all times.
Weeknights I usually get home after they do and spend the first several minutes going from room to room turning off lights and various electronics that nobody is using. (Perhaps part of my OCD)

Now, I am guilty of watching TV while using the computer or having music playing while a sporting event is on TV.  Multitasking! On the other hand I always turn off the lights behind me. It's just the right thing to do. I have left the room, kill the lights. I think that makes me "green".

I am not yet to the point of hiding light bulbs but I cringe every month when I exclaim "How much is the power bill?!?" I like light as much as the next guy but really, it is only useful if someone is in the room when the light is on. Darkness has certain advantages as well. A lot of good stuff happens in the dark.

I do feel bad that my wife was so traumatized and has this terrible dislike of darkness, so much so that I will continue to go from room to room and turn off the lights because I love her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Me and my OCD

I have know this for a long time. Known that I like things done a certain way. I like things in a certain order.

There is a right and a wrong way to load the dishwasher. You should rotate your underwear when you put them away. Everything has a place and a place for everything.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one label. Strange, uptight and annoying are what other people may think to themselves. Some will even say it out loud, to your face. I say organized, efficient and calming.

I know my case is mild compared to people who truly suffer from this condition. Some people cannot leave a room without triple checking the light switch and locking the door four times.

My family should be happy that I "help" them do things correctly. I view it as helping them to learn to do things the right way.

That being said, I get the feeling they are agitated by my "mentoring".
It is fortunate that there is a yin and yang to most everything because they are not what you might call well organized at home. I like to think that I am.

If you work with my wife you would think that she has the "problem". Work, spreadsheets, lunch all have an order, place and time. She is a master spreadsheet builder and it drives her nuts to see a poorly built spreadsheet. She can't look over your shoulder if you are working an a spreadsheet. She wants to jump in and do it...her way.

Apparently her condition ends at her office door. If you have been in her car you know that. If you have seen her load a dishwasher, you know for sure.

My boys, well, I can not spend much time in their rooms. Don't get me wrong, I love them more than most anything but they are pigs! Most kids are messy so I try to put it into perspective. We can not buy enough organizational shelves and tubs to keep up with the toys, books and clothes all over their floors. To be fair, Laura is willing to venture into their rooms and clean.

All this being said, it is fun to joke and sometimes argue about. It is my personal mission (noone asked me to undertake) to keep as much organizintion in place as I can. I may actually get through to someone someday, me and my OCD...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First thought on blogging

My first thought on blogging was "how hard can it be?"

The idea of blogging sounded good to me. Here is a creative outlet where I can, well, outlet. That is until it came time to name my blog. Already experiencing writers block, I turned to my good friends, Google and the dictionary. Since I may write about any number of topics, I didn't want to corner myself by selecting a title that is too specific. So, here is my all encompassing title, Arbitrary Thinking.

What will follow in future posts will be arbitrary thoughts, ideas and opinions on all subject matter.
I am by no means a writer but I do like the idea of writing. Away I go into the world of Blog with my first post.
I hope whoever reads it will enjoy.